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Escudo de Fegor
Escudo de Fegor

Forged metal shield in the city of Fegor, that's why it has that name, who knew.

Escudo de Madeira
Escudo de Madeira

Wooden shield, it seems to have been created by primates ...

Escudo de Madeira Reforçado
Escudo de Madeira Reforçado

Reinforced wooden shield, they saw that the first one didn't work very well, because it was made of wood, just that, nothing more.

Escudo de Osso
Escudo de Osso

Shield made entirely of bones, looks fragile, but the owner of these bones does not seem to be either.

Escudo de Vanguarda
Escudo de Vanguarda

A simple wooden shield, with metal edges, if you know how to use the edges, keep you longer in combat.

Escudo Demoníaco
Escudo Demoníaco

A shield forged from despair, hate, blood and abandoned souls.

Escudo do Guardião
Escudo do Guardião

Forged metal shield based on a barrel, at least that's what it looks like.

Escudo do Tempo
Escudo do Tempo

Shield of time, as it took a long time to draw so many details on a metal.

Escudo Élfico
Escudo Élfico

Esta relíquia élfica é uma peça singular de maestria artesanal, adornada com filigranas intricadas que capturam a luz de forma mágica. Feita de um metal élfico raro, esta parte de equipamento incorpora encantamentos ancestrais, conferindo ao usuário agilidade sobrenatural e uma conexão amplificada com as energias da natureza.

Escudo Imperial
Escudo Imperial

Imperial Shield forged with a somewhat obscure material, it has not yet been revealed who made it, only who sells it.

Escudo Quadrado
Escudo Quadrado

Square wooden and metal shield, ok, we can agree that they took a barrel to create it.

Escudo Troth
Escudo Troth

A great metal shield, designed for a golden wedding, seems to me that the king was part of it.

Espada de Virgem
Espada de Virgem

A perfect sword to tear through anything, just as it pierces, it makes the enemy beg for death. LVL 70+

Espada do Umbral
Espada do Umbral

Uma lâmina sombria forjada nos reinos mais profundos do Umbral, um tributo à escuridão primordial. Sua lâmina, afiada como a própria noite, é feita de um metal negro, absorvendo a luz ao seu redor e emanando uma aura sombria. Runas antigas, inscritas com um toque de magia proibida, adornam a extensão da espada, pulsando com uma energia sinistra.

Espada Élfica
Espada Élfica

Uma espada élfica de metal refinado, lâmina afiada e punho ornado com símbolos mágicos. Uma dança mortal de elegância élfica.

Espada Escrita
Espada Escrita

Perfectly balanced sword, its weight fully compensates for damage, leaving your fist light and not tiring the wearer. LVL 90+

Espada Larga
Espada Larga

A big, heavy sword to handle, just lift it up and let your weight do the rest. LVL 80+

Espada Longa
Espada Longa

Sword with a long, light blade, able to reach anyone with just one arm stretch LVL 20+

Espada Orc
Espada Orc

Perfectly balanced sword, its weight fully compensates for damage, leaving your fist light and not tiring the wearer. LVL 45+

Espada Serrilhada
Espada Serrilhada

Sword with serrated blades on one side, looks like shark teeth, obviously they are not. LVL 40+

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